Msge. No. 168 - The First Sign: Confusion
"Beloved children, take refuge in my Immaculate Heart. The glorious reign of Christ will be preceded by a great suffering which will serve to purify the Church and the world and lead them to their complete renewal. Jesus had already begun his merciful work of renewal with the Church, his spouse. Various signs indicate to you that the time of purification has come to the Church: The first of these is the confusion which reigns there. This in fact is the time of its greatest confusion. Confusion is spreading within the Church, where everything in the field of dogma, liturgy and discipline is being subverted. These include truths revealed by my Son and which the Church has defined once and for all, thorugh her divine and infallible authority. These truths are unchangeable, as the very truth of God is unchangeable. Many of these form part of real mysteries in the strict sense of the word, because they are not and never can be understood by human intelligence. Man must accept them with humilit, by an act of pure faith and firm trust in God who has revealed them and proposed them to men of all times, thorugh the Magisterium of the Church.
But now, there is spread abroad a most dangerous tendency of wanting to penetrate and understand everything - even mysteries - to such a point that only that part of the truth is accepted which can be understood by human intelligence. There is the design to, unveil the very mystery of God. Any truth which is not understood by reason is rejected. There is an inclination to propose all revealed truth in a new and rationalistic way, under the illusion of making it acceptable to all. Thus, truth is being corrupted with error. Error is being spread in a most dangerous way, namely, as a new and modern way of understanding the truth; and it ends by subverting the very truths which are the foundation of the Catholic faith. They are not denied openly, but they are accepted in such an equivocal way that doctrine is most seriously compromised by error in an unprecedented manner. As a result, talk and discussion go on and on, but there is no longer any belief , and the darkness of error spreads.
The confusion which tends to prevail within the church and to subvert its truths is the first sign which indicates to you with certainty that the time of her purification has come.
The Church is in fact Christ who is living mystically in your midst. Christ is the TRUTH. The Church must therefore always shine with the light of Christ who is the truth. But at present, its Adversary has succeeded, through his subtle and deceitful works , in bringing much darkness into its interior. And today the Church is darkened by the smoke of Satan. Satan has first of all bedimmed the understanding and the thinking of many of my children, seducing them through vainglory and pride, and through them he has darkened the Church.
You beloved sons of your heavenly Mother, you, the apostles of my Immaculate Heart, are being called today for this purpose: to fight by word and example that the truth may be more and more accepted by all . Thus, the darkness of confusion will be defeated by light.
For this reason, you must live the Gospel of my Son, Jesus to the letter. You must be pruely and simply, the living gospel. Then you must proclaim to all, with strength and courage , the Gospel which you live . Your words will have the power of the Holy Spirit who will fill you, and the light of the wisdom given you by your heavenly Mother. (. . .)"
-Ave Maria, gratia plena
Dominus tecum; benedicta tu in mulieribus
et benedictus frutus ventris tui Jesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. AMEN.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam!