Friday, November 27, 2009


Dear readers, here is the last of the four messages conveyed by Mama Mary to Fr. Gobbi in 1979, which is so apparent today. As you read on, please meditate and pray.


"Remain, all of you, in the refuge of my Immaculate Heart and you will find your peace and interior serenity.
My beloved sons, the storm which I foretold at Fatima has now unleashed its fury for the purification of the Church and all the world. This is the hour of the Father's mercy which through the love of the Son's divine heart, is made manifest at the moment when everyone's suffering is at its greatest.

The fourth sign which indicates to you that the culminating period of the church's painful purification has come, is persecution. The Church is in fact being persecuted in various ways.

She is being persecuted by the world in which she lives and journeys, pointing out to all the way to salvation. The real enemies of God are those who set themselves deliberately against God, in order to lead all humanity to live without Him; it is they who are persecuting the Church more and more.

Sometimes, she is persecuted in an open and violent manner; she is despoiled of everything and prevented from preaching the Gospel of Jesus.

But in these times, the Church is often subjected to an even greater ordeal; she is persecuted in a subtle and painless manner, by being deprived bit by bit of the oxygen which she needs to live. Then, an attempt is made to bring her to compromise with the spirit of the world, which thus enters into her and affestc and paralyzes her vitality.

Collaboration is often brought about through a most subtle form of persecution; an outward show of respect for her has become the surest way to strike her.

A new technique has been discovered by which she can be put to death with no outcry and without shedding blood.

The Church is being persecuted also from within, especially at the hands of those "sons" of hers who have reached a compromise with the adversary. He has succeeded in seducing even some of her very pastors. Some of these are even knowingly collaborating in this plan of interior and hidden persecution of my Church.

My beloved sons are being called to the trial of finding themselves sometimes obstructed, pushed aside and persecuted by some of their own confreres (brothers), while those who are unfaithful have free scope for their action.

The same hours of suffering that my Son, Jesus lived through are awaiting you too, beloved sons: the hours of Gethsemane, when he experienced the interior agony of being abandoned , betaryed and denied by his own....

If this is the road trodden by the Master, it is also the road which you too must tread, you his faithful disciples, as the purification of the entire Church becomers more painful.

Have confidence, beloved Sons, apostles of my Immaculate Heart!

No other trial will serve so much to bring about the complete renewal of the Church as this interior persecution. In fact, she will emerged from this suffering purer , more humble, more enlightened, stronger.

You must be ready to suffer more and more, the clkoser the final moment of purification comes. and so I have wished to prepare a safe refuge for you.

In my Immaculate Heart you will be consoled and formed in the virtue of fortitude, as you become more and more aware of the presence of your heavenly Mother at your side. she will gather up your suffering s, as beneath the Cross she did those of Jesus, because she must now carry out once again for the Church her maternal function as co-redemptrix, and lead back to the Father all the children who have gone astray."

"All Holy Angels in heaven, we beg and pray
for you to come and aid us in these times of
purification. We pray, that you console and
strengthen each every one of us just you did
Our Lord Jesus when he perspired and cried
tears of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane."

Friday, November 6, 2009


I do not pretend to be an authority on subjects that are posted in this blog. However, having learned from lectures, symposiums, and from my experience itself and those which i have learned from my priests friends i would like to share this subject, which i have entitled " Brief explanation on what is the evil eye".

In one of the lectures i have attended, one speaker spoke and explained what the Evil eye means and according to this fellow, when he meant by the Evil Eye, what he had in his mind is that object which is a triangular form with an eye in the middle and surrounded by three big letter A's. According to this poor guy, this is an occult object used by some new agers and even those practicing the occult which accordingly produces some supernatural powers. However, after that lecture/retreat actually, i consulted several spiritual warfare books and some who are in the Liberation Ministry (Deliverance) and tried to find out what the Evil Eye really is. Some opined and agreed with the earlier description given that it refers to that triangular object with an engraved eye at the middle. However, this is a misnomer, a misconception actually. From my point of view, when we mention the word "Evil eye" it refers mainly to those malicious and evil glances with the intention of doing some harm on the person being looked at to. It is not an object but rather, it is as i have already said a malicious intention proceeding out in one's mind with the intent of having it carried out either physically or spiritually to do harm on a certain person.

It is said that the "Eye" is the window of the soul and such is true. Because when one tries to look at a window and maybe tries to look inside, the onlooker sees many different things. Similarly, a person with an "evil intention" can easily be detected through his/her eye, though at times people with weak spirituality, seldom sees it but feels it manifestation when that person feels something amiss or not right with his or herself.

In the realm of spiritual warfare, not all curses, hexes, or spells are transmitted verbally, there are times when these malevolent things are transmitted through the mind via one's eye. Notice, when a person is angry, that person vents his or her anger by way of speaking to the mind and throwing a killer stare (i.e. in some everyday situations when one is mad at a certain person, that person usually say at the back of his mind "mamatay ka na sana" or masagasaan ka sana") then suddenly that wish or curse comes true. Coincidence? to some yes. But i don't fully agree, why, because, the mind is so powerful that it could do harm if proper concentration is fully utilized coupled with the fact that around us evil lurks at every moment.

Thus, to sum it up, Evil Eye is often times felt and not seen. That is why in spiritual warfare, there is always a prayer for protection against the Evil Eye, because we will never ever know the true intentions of people whom we get to mingle everyday.



-Today, my Immaculate Heart trembles and is anguished to see the division within the Church. This division, which has penetrated the Church, is the third sign which indicates to you with certainty that the final moment of her painful purification has come.

- If in the course of the centuries , the Church has many times been torn by division which has led many of my children to separate themselves to her. I nevertheless, obtained from Jesus the singular privilege of her interior unity.

- But in this times, my adversary has with his smoke, succeeded in darkening even the light of the divine prerogative of the Church (remember the late Pope Paul Vl, when he said: The Smoke of Satan has penetrated the Church).

- The interior division is manifesting itrslef even among the faithful who often set themselves one against the other, in an attempt to defend and promote the truth. Thus, the truth is betrayed by even them, as the Gospel of my Son cannot be divided.

- This interior division sometimes even leads priests to set themselves against priests, bishops against bishops and cardinals against cardinals, for never before in these times has Satan so succeeded in finding his way into their midst, rending asunder the precious bond of their mutual love.

- This interior division is expressed by the tendency to leave to himself and to abandon , so to speak , the very Vicar of Jesus, the Pope, who is a son particularly loved and enlightened by me.

- My mother's heart is wounded to see how the silence and neglect of my children often envelop the words and actions of the Holy Father, while he is increasingly struck and impeded by his adversaries.

- Because of this interior division, his very ministry is not sufficiently supported
and furthered by the whole Church whom Jesus has wanted to be united about the successor of Peter .

- My motherly heart grieves to see how even some pastors refuse to let themselves be guided by his enlightening and trustworthy words.

- The first way of being separated from the Pope is that of OPEN REBELLION. But, there is also another way, MORE SUBTLE & DANGEROUS. IT IS THAT OF PROCLAIMING ONE'S UNITY OPENLY, BUT OF DISSENTING FROM HIM INTERIORLY, letting his teaching fall into void and in practice, doing the contrary of what he says.

- Oh Church, mystical body of my Jesus, in your painful journey to
Calvary, you have reached the eleventh station and you see yourself wrenched and torn in your members, which are again nailed to the cross!

-What must you do, my sons, apostles of my Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart? You must become hidden seed, ready even to die for the internal unity of the Church.

- And so, I am leading you each day to a very great love for and fidelity to, the Pope and the Church united to him. For this reason, I am now letting you share in the anxiety of my motherly heart: For this reason, I am forming you in the heroism of sanctity and leading you with me up Calvary. Through you, also, I will be able to help the Church emerge from her painful purification , so that in her all splendor of her restored unity may be manifest to the world."

St. Michael the archangel,
defend us in the day of battle,
be our safeguard, against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
We humbly beseech God, to command him,
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host
by the Power of God cast into hell satan
and all the evil spirits
who prowl in this world, seeking the ruin
of souls. AMEN.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Continuation of Our Lady's Messages


Today my Heart is wounded anew by seeing so many of my beloved sons who live without docility to the will of God, because they do not observe and often openly disdain the laws proper to their priestly state. Thus, lack of dicipline is spreading in the Church and reaping victims, even from among her very pastors.

This is the second sign which indicates to you that, for the Church the final time of purification has come: a lack of discipline which has spread throughout all levels, especially among the clergy.

It is lack of discipline to be wanting in interior docility to the will of God, a lack of discipline which is manifested by the flouting of those obligations which are proper to your state of life: the obligation to pray, to give good example, to lead a holy and apostolic life. How many there are, among the priests, who allow themselves to become absorbed in excessive activity and who no longer pray! They habitually neglect the Liturgy of the Hours, meditation and recitation of the Holy Rosary. They limit their prayer to a hrried celebration of the Holy Mass.

And so my poor sons become interiorly empty and no longer have the light and strength to resist the many snares amidst which they live. They thus become contaminated by the spirit of the world and accept its way of life, share its values, take part in the profane manifestations, allow themselves to be conditioned by its methods of propaganda and, in the end come to adopt its very mentality. And so, they end up by living as minsiters of the world, according to its spirit which they justify and propagate, thus, provoking scandal amongst many of the faithful.

From this springs the growing REBELLION AGAINST CANONICAL NORMS which REGULATE THE LIFE OF PRIESTS, and the recurring objection to the obligation of SACRED CELIBACY, desired by Jesus as expressed by His Church, and which has at this time been once again strongly reaffirmed by the Pope.

It is lack of discipline to disregard with ease the norms which the Church has laid down for the regulation of liturgical and ecclessisatical life.

Today, each one tends to direct himself according to his own tastes or free choice, and with what scandalous facility are violated the norms of the Church, which have been reaffirmed again and again by the Holy Father, such as the obligation for priests to wear the ecclessiastical dress!

Alas!sometimes the first to continue disobeying this prescription are the pastors themselves, and it is their bad example which then fosters lack of discipine in all sectors of the Church.

This disorder, which is spreading in the Church, indicates to you with clarity that the final moment of her purification has come.

What must you do, beloved sons of your heavenly Mother, apostles of light of my Immaculate Heart?

Let yourselves be carried in my arms, as my tiniest babes, and I will make you perfectly docile to the will of the Father.

Thus, to everyone, you will give a good example of perfect obedience to the laws of the Church, and your heavenly Mother will be able to use you to restore order in her house, so that after the suffering, the triumph of her Immaculate Heart may shine forth in the Church."