Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A blessed Sunday to all! What i am about to tackle now is the subject of Sacraments & Sacramentals. For many, sacraments and sacramentals are the same. But there is a very big difference in meaning between the two words. From my cathechesis, a Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ for the purpose of giving grace to souls. On the otherhand, a Sacramental is also an outward sign but the difference lies in the one who instituted it and the reason why it was instituted. Sacramentals are instituted by the Church and do not give of themselves give grace. Rather, they dispose us for grace by arousing in us sentiments of faith and love which make a claim upon God for answering grace. Whatever grace we may obtain through the use of the sacramentals comes to us because of our own interior dispositions and because of the power of the Church's prayers which backs up the sacramentals. Some of the more known sacramentals are the following : Holy Water, articles of devition such as candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, medals, rasaries, scapulars, images of our LOrd and the Blessed Mother. Sacramentals are likewise actions and they are the various blessings and exorcism which the church imparts through her bishops and priests. some blessings are of dedicatory in nature, such as blessing of a chalice, an altar, Mass vestments or some other thing that is to be set aside and used exclusively for Divine worship. Other blessings are simply invocative, bespeaking God's bounty and protection in regard to the thing or the person (i.e. blessing of the home, automobiles, fields of crops, of infants.
There is a very special kind of sacramental action and that is Exorcism, in which the Church, in Christ's Name, commands the devil to leave/depart the body of the person whom he has taken possession of. It must be remembered that before Jesus's death on the cross, Satan's power over man and nature was much greater than it is now. That is why diabolical possession was much more common before Calvary than it is now. But by Jesus' death on the cross, we all know that we have been redeemed that because of it the dominion of Satan was broken. Rarely now that God permits diabolical possession.
That is why the Church, before allowing an official exorcism, is very careful to determine that it is a real case of possession and not just mere mental disturbance. Moreover, only a priest who has obtained faculty from a bishop can perfom an exorcism solemnly and after only a period of fasting and prayer in preparation for the attack of the father of lies.
There is a very special kind of sacramental action and that is Exorcism, in which the Church, in Christ's Name, commands the devil to leave/depart the body of the person whom he has taken possession of. It must be remembered that before Jesus's death on the cross, Satan's power over man and nature was much greater than it is now. That is why diabolical possession was much more common before Calvary than it is now. But by Jesus' death on the cross, we all know that we have been redeemed that because of it the dominion of Satan was broken. Rarely now that God permits diabolical possession.
That is why the Church, before allowing an official exorcism, is very careful to determine that it is a real case of possession and not just mere mental disturbance. Moreover, only a priest who has obtained faculty from a bishop can perfom an exorcism solemnly and after only a period of fasting and prayer in preparation for the attack of the father of lies.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
'Our brothers, you yourselves know that our visit to you was not a failure. You know how we had already been mistreated and insulted in Philippi before we came to you in Thessalonica. and even though there was much opposition , our God gave us courage to tell you the Good News that comes from him. Our appeal to you is not based on error or impure motives, nor do we try to trick anyone. Instead, we always speak as God wants us to because He has judged as worthy to be entrusted with the Good News. We do not try to please men, but to please God who tests our motives. You know very well that we did not come to you with flaterring talk, nor did we use words to cover up greed - God is our witness! We did not try to get praise from anyone either from you or from others even though as apostles of Christ we could have made demands on you. But we were gentle when we were with you, like a mother taking care of her children. Because of OUR LOVE for you we were ready to share with you not only the Good News from God but even our own lives. You were so dear to us."
Prayer is the lifting up of our minds and hearts to God. We 'lift our minds' to God when we truly direct our attention to HIM alone and nothing else. It is the time when we pour out our thoughts our hearts, what we feel about our God. It is a loving conversation between a soul and his Creator.
So sad that today, many have strayed away from what prayer should be. The act has been truly abused! Aside from the fact that many individuals at present view it as just a form of asking for something, say a favor, or a petition, many have recourse to it to obtain and manipulate spiritual power. And this is true among power seekers, they say that this particular prayer or orasyon or that so and so has special spiritual powers attached to it ; that you can summon celestial spirits or you can order those spirits to do some favor for you. My friend, is that how we look and view our God? Is God our servant? I am just trying to put up this question for you to realize and meditate for awhile - Why do you pray?
We pray not in order to gain some special spiritual powers as others say. We pray because as God's creature we are eternally indebted to Him, being a recipient of his bounty. We must not forget that God made us body and soul. We belong to Him one hundred percent . Every good thing that comes to us has its source in God. We depend upon him for the very air that we breathe. And becausze of this relationship, we owe God the duty of prayer. In Fr. Trese's book, The Faith Explained, he said that 'prayer is an act of justice, not merely an act of piety.' Prayer is a DEBTthat we must pay, not merely a graceful gesture that we choose to make".
Prayer likewise is not mechanical or has to be memorized so that it could be repeated over and over. Earlier as is i have stated, prayer is a loving conversation between a soul and his creator, between the lover and his beloved. If then this is so, words become inadequate, because then we are already basked in bliss where words and feelings have no meaning.Where everything is just you and God. Try to reminisce your moments with your wife, husband or loved one, sometimes there is nothing to discuss and you just merely stare and look at your beloved, now does it mean that your conversation had stopped? Of course not, it has merely transcended from words to wordlessness.
So sad that today, many have strayed away from what prayer should be. The act has been truly abused! Aside from the fact that many individuals at present view it as just a form of asking for something, say a favor, or a petition, many have recourse to it to obtain and manipulate spiritual power. And this is true among power seekers, they say that this particular prayer or orasyon or that so and so has special spiritual powers attached to it ; that you can summon celestial spirits or you can order those spirits to do some favor for you. My friend, is that how we look and view our God? Is God our servant? I am just trying to put up this question for you to realize and meditate for awhile - Why do you pray?
We pray not in order to gain some special spiritual powers as others say. We pray because as God's creature we are eternally indebted to Him, being a recipient of his bounty. We must not forget that God made us body and soul. We belong to Him one hundred percent . Every good thing that comes to us has its source in God. We depend upon him for the very air that we breathe. And becausze of this relationship, we owe God the duty of prayer. In Fr. Trese's book, The Faith Explained, he said that 'prayer is an act of justice, not merely an act of piety.' Prayer is a DEBTthat we must pay, not merely a graceful gesture that we choose to make".
Prayer likewise is not mechanical or has to be memorized so that it could be repeated over and over. Earlier as is i have stated, prayer is a loving conversation between a soul and his creator, between the lover and his beloved. If then this is so, words become inadequate, because then we are already basked in bliss where words and feelings have no meaning.Where everything is just you and God. Try to reminisce your moments with your wife, husband or loved one, sometimes there is nothing to discuss and you just merely stare and look at your beloved, now does it mean that your conversation had stopped? Of course not, it has merely transcended from words to wordlessness.
A pleasant good afternoon to all of you. Many have attempted to discuss the role of the angels in our midst. Let me share to you now, their real role as expounded by Our Blessed Mother Mary in one of her messages to Father Gobbi :
"Today, the Church is celebrating the Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael. It is also your feast, beloved sons, because the angels of the Lord have a very important part to play in my victorious plan. See now what a roleis theirs: under my command, they are fighting a terrible battle against Satan and all the wicked spirits. It is a struggle proceeding more particularly on the level of spirits, fought with intelligence and a perfect adhesion to the plans of the two great opposing leaders, the Woman clothed with the sun and the Red Dragon.
To St. Michael has been given the task of clothing you with the strength of God Himself. He fights against the most dangerous snares of Satan, which is that of weakening you, bringing you to discouragement and to weariness. HOw many of you have stopped along the way of the consecration you have made to me, because of this human weakness of yours!
It is weakness that leads you to doubt, to uncertainty, to fear, to uneasiness. This is the temptation of my Adversary, to render you ineffective, locked up inside yourselves, hampered by your own problems, incapable of any real apostolic offensive.
The Archangel Gabriel has the task of helping you to grow in trust, by clothing you in the strength of God. And so it is that everyday he leads you along the path of courage, of firmness, of a faith that is heroic and pure.
To St. Raphael is given the task of pouring balm upon your wounds. HOw often Satansuceeds in wounding you with sin, harming you by his decietful allurements! He makes you feel the weight of your misery, of your incapacity and frailty, and stops your advance along the path of perfect giving.
Then also, to St. Raphael is given the task of accompanying you along the road I have traced out for you, supplying you with the medeicine that will heal all your spiritual ailments. Each day he makes your footsteps more secure, your resolutions less uncertain, your acts of love and of the apostolate more courageous; he makes your response to my wishes more decisive, and your minds more attentive to my maternal plan, and you fight your battle, strengthened by his heavenly balm.
To St. Michael is given the task of defending you from the frightful attacks Satan unleashes against you. In these times, my beloved ones who have accepted my invitation and are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and all my children who have come to be part of my victorious cohort, are targets assailed with particular fury and ferocity on the part of my adversary and yours. Satan attacks you on the spiritual field with every kind of temptation and suggestion, to bring you to evil, to disorientation, to doubt and to distrust. Often he uses his favorite weapon, which is that of diabolical suggestion and impure temptation. He attacks you with terrible snares, frequently forcing you into a position of danger. Even physically, he makes attempts upon your life and personal safety.
It is the Archangel Michael, Patron of the Universal Church, who, with his great power, intervenes and joins combat to liberate you from the Evil One and his dangerous snares. For this reason, I invite you to invoke his protection with the DAILY RECITAL of that brief but so very efficacious prayer exorcism composed by Pope Leo Xlll ( see August posting for the prayer).
You see now that the angels of the Lord have an important role in the battle plan for the present conflict: you should always live in their company. Theirs is a function which is invaluable and irreplaceable : they are close to you, engaged in the same struggle : they give you force and courage, heal your many wounds, defend you from evil; and with you they form the mightiest part of the victorious cohort commanded by the Heavenly Leader."
*Given to Fr. Gobbi on Sept. 29, 1983 at Curacao (Archipelago of the Antilles) Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gavriel, Rafael*
"Today, the Church is celebrating the Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael. It is also your feast, beloved sons, because the angels of the Lord have a very important part to play in my victorious plan. See now what a roleis theirs: under my command, they are fighting a terrible battle against Satan and all the wicked spirits. It is a struggle proceeding more particularly on the level of spirits, fought with intelligence and a perfect adhesion to the plans of the two great opposing leaders, the Woman clothed with the sun and the Red Dragon.
To St. Michael has been given the task of clothing you with the strength of God Himself. He fights against the most dangerous snares of Satan, which is that of weakening you, bringing you to discouragement and to weariness. HOw many of you have stopped along the way of the consecration you have made to me, because of this human weakness of yours!
It is weakness that leads you to doubt, to uncertainty, to fear, to uneasiness. This is the temptation of my Adversary, to render you ineffective, locked up inside yourselves, hampered by your own problems, incapable of any real apostolic offensive.
The Archangel Gabriel has the task of helping you to grow in trust, by clothing you in the strength of God. And so it is that everyday he leads you along the path of courage, of firmness, of a faith that is heroic and pure.
To St. Raphael is given the task of pouring balm upon your wounds. HOw often Satansuceeds in wounding you with sin, harming you by his decietful allurements! He makes you feel the weight of your misery, of your incapacity and frailty, and stops your advance along the path of perfect giving.
Then also, to St. Raphael is given the task of accompanying you along the road I have traced out for you, supplying you with the medeicine that will heal all your spiritual ailments. Each day he makes your footsteps more secure, your resolutions less uncertain, your acts of love and of the apostolate more courageous; he makes your response to my wishes more decisive, and your minds more attentive to my maternal plan, and you fight your battle, strengthened by his heavenly balm.
To St. Michael is given the task of defending you from the frightful attacks Satan unleashes against you. In these times, my beloved ones who have accepted my invitation and are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and all my children who have come to be part of my victorious cohort, are targets assailed with particular fury and ferocity on the part of my adversary and yours. Satan attacks you on the spiritual field with every kind of temptation and suggestion, to bring you to evil, to disorientation, to doubt and to distrust. Often he uses his favorite weapon, which is that of diabolical suggestion and impure temptation. He attacks you with terrible snares, frequently forcing you into a position of danger. Even physically, he makes attempts upon your life and personal safety.
It is the Archangel Michael, Patron of the Universal Church, who, with his great power, intervenes and joins combat to liberate you from the Evil One and his dangerous snares. For this reason, I invite you to invoke his protection with the DAILY RECITAL of that brief but so very efficacious prayer exorcism composed by Pope Leo Xlll ( see August posting for the prayer).
You see now that the angels of the Lord have an important role in the battle plan for the present conflict: you should always live in their company. Theirs is a function which is invaluable and irreplaceable : they are close to you, engaged in the same struggle : they give you force and courage, heal your many wounds, defend you from evil; and with you they form the mightiest part of the victorious cohort commanded by the Heavenly Leader."
*Given to Fr. Gobbi on Sept. 29, 1983 at Curacao (Archipelago of the Antilles) Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gavriel, Rafael*
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A friend handed this prayer to me and it is most beneficial in times when i am in need. As gratitude for HIS blessings, let me share it to you, dear reader.
O miraculous Santo Nino1 I come before Your
sacred image, moved by love and by hope, and
I bessech thee to look mercifully into my troubled
heart. Let your own tender love, always inclined to
compassion mitigate my troubles and alleviate my
sufferings. Take from me, if it be Your will, all afflictions
and let me never surrender to despair. Grant me, Senor,
Santo Nino, the special grace I ask you today in all
humilityand with a loving trust ; and for the sake of
Your sacred infancy, hear always my prayers, be
generous with your aid and consolation, that I may
praise You, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
then say your request ( ). After the request
say NIGNIMI JESUS. My heart tells me this
petition is just and will be honored. Then make the
O miraculous Santo Nino1 I come before Your
sacred image, moved by love and by hope, and
I bessech thee to look mercifully into my troubled
heart. Let your own tender love, always inclined to
compassion mitigate my troubles and alleviate my
sufferings. Take from me, if it be Your will, all afflictions
and let me never surrender to despair. Grant me, Senor,
Santo Nino, the special grace I ask you today in all
humilityand with a loving trust ; and for the sake of
Your sacred infancy, hear always my prayers, be
generous with your aid and consolation, that I may
praise You, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
then say your request ( ). After the request
say NIGNIMI JESUS. My heart tells me this
petition is just and will be honored. Then make the
Due to the present spiritual battle we are all facing, i would like to share a prayer which you yourself can use in times when it is most needed.
Prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel
Sancte Michaele Archangele,
defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam
et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet
illi Deus, supplices deprecamur tuque,
Princeps militiae coelestis , satanam aliosque
spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem
animarum pervegantur in mundo,
divina virtute, in infernum detrude. AMEN.
Prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel
Sancte Michaele Archangele,
defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam
et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet
illi Deus, supplices deprecamur tuque,
Princeps militiae coelestis , satanam aliosque
spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem
animarum pervegantur in mundo,
divina virtute, in infernum detrude. AMEN.
The Benefit of Mantra repetitions
To begin with, what is a Mantra? Mantras are set of words taken from the scriptures or Names of God which are recited repetitiously using the medium of vocalization aided sometimes by the use a rosary beads, japa beads (mala). Contrary to some, mantras does not solely belong to one religion or sect but can be use generally regardless of his/her belief.
Mantras are not magic words or phrases as oppose to those who believe in magic (sorry for the pun), but are aids or means for one to link his spirit to the Divine Being, once the practitioner or the devotee reaches the peak of his meditation, the mantra or seed word ceases. It only comes back or shows itself, when the meditator loses track of his/her object of meditation due to distractions coming from without (e.g. external noise, itchiness feeling, or some negative feelings, etc.) Then, how does one benefit from it? The benefit itself lies in the constant repetition of the Names or attributes of God or a verse/verses from the scripture, such as "maranatha", "gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate bodhisattvha". The moment one gets accustomed to the word and the sound, the easier for him/her to reach the state of calmness which would lead him further deep into contemplation and thus, attain its object, which is God - a divine conversation with the Lord of Lords or just having a loving moments with our Creator. God bless. Shalom. Salam and Namaste!
Mantras are not magic words or phrases as oppose to those who believe in magic (sorry for the pun), but are aids or means for one to link his spirit to the Divine Being, once the practitioner or the devotee reaches the peak of his meditation, the mantra or seed word ceases. It only comes back or shows itself, when the meditator loses track of his/her object of meditation due to distractions coming from without (e.g. external noise, itchiness feeling, or some negative feelings, etc.) Then, how does one benefit from it? The benefit itself lies in the constant repetition of the Names or attributes of God or a verse/verses from the scripture, such as "maranatha", "gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate bodhisattvha". The moment one gets accustomed to the word and the sound, the easier for him/her to reach the state of calmness which would lead him further deep into contemplation and thus, attain its object, which is God - a divine conversation with the Lord of Lords or just having a loving moments with our Creator. God bless. Shalom. Salam and Namaste!
Maikling Te Deum
Sancta Animasola,
Solong liwanag ng Diyos Ama,
ilaw ng Tatlong persona,
ako po ay ipag adya.
Amang kabanal-banalan,
Amang kalakas-lakasan,
Amang walang kamatayan,
Ako po ay itangkakal.
Alam ko po Dakilang Ama,
ako sa iyo'y nagkasala;
Jesus, ikaw at di iba,
ang sa akin ay mag-aadya.
Amang Espiritu Santo,
ako po ay sukuban mo ng malabay
na pakpak mo, ng awa mo po't saklolo.
Huag, mo pong ipagkait,
awa mo po'y ilawit,
na kamtin ko't masapit,
-araw araw ay dinarasal ko po ang panalanging ito, at sa awa ng Poong Maykapal, ako ay inililihis Niya sa anumang sakuna at sa lahat ng masasama. Subukan mo kapatid at iyong masaksihan kapangyarihan ng Diyos na lumalang. AMEN. Ad majorem Dei, gloriam!
Solong liwanag ng Diyos Ama,
ilaw ng Tatlong persona,
ako po ay ipag adya.
Amang kabanal-banalan,
Amang kalakas-lakasan,
Amang walang kamatayan,
Ako po ay itangkakal.
Alam ko po Dakilang Ama,
ako sa iyo'y nagkasala;
Jesus, ikaw at di iba,
ang sa akin ay mag-aadya.
Amang Espiritu Santo,
ako po ay sukuban mo ng malabay
na pakpak mo, ng awa mo po't saklolo.
Huag, mo pong ipagkait,
awa mo po'y ilawit,
na kamtin ko't masapit,
-araw araw ay dinarasal ko po ang panalanging ito, at sa awa ng Poong Maykapal, ako ay inililihis Niya sa anumang sakuna at sa lahat ng masasama. Subukan mo kapatid at iyong masaksihan kapangyarihan ng Diyos na lumalang. AMEN. Ad majorem Dei, gloriam!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
1 JOHN : 1-5
My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have cames from God. For many false prophetshave gone out everywhere. This is how you will be able to know whether it is God's Spirit: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ came as a human being has the spirit who comes from God. But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the enemy of Christ: you heard that it would come , and now it is here in the world already.
But you belong to God, my children, and have defeated the false prophets, because the Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit in those who belong to the world. Those false prophets speak about matters of the world, and the world listens to them, because they belong to the world. But we belong to God. WHOEVER KNOWS God listens to us; whoever does not belong to God does not listen to us. This, then, is how we can tell the difference between the Spirit of Truth and from the spirit of ERROR.
My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have cames from God. For many false prophetshave gone out everywhere. This is how you will be able to know whether it is God's Spirit: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ came as a human being has the spirit who comes from God. But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the enemy of Christ: you heard that it would come , and now it is here in the world already.
But you belong to God, my children, and have defeated the false prophets, because the Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit in those who belong to the world. Those false prophets speak about matters of the world, and the world listens to them, because they belong to the world. But we belong to God. WHOEVER KNOWS God listens to us; whoever does not belong to God does not listen to us. This, then, is how we can tell the difference between the Spirit of Truth and from the spirit of ERROR.
Friday, August 14, 2009
ISAIAH 44 : 1-2,6
"The Lord says,
Listen now, Israel my servant,
my chosen people, the descendants of
Jacob. I AM, the Lord who created you
from the time you were born, I have helped
Do not be afraid, you are my servant, my
chosen people whom I love.
The Lord who rules and protects
the Lord Almighty, has this to say:
"The Lord says,
Listen now, Israel my servant,
my chosen people, the descendants of
Jacob. I AM, the Lord who created you
from the time you were born, I have helped
Do not be afraid, you are my servant, my
chosen people whom I love.
The Lord who rules and protects
the Lord Almighty, has this to say:
Saan man ikaw ay dumako, marami ang makikita mo na mayroon sabit na medalya ni San Benito. Karamihan, pinaniniwalaan na isang agimat o anting-anting. Pero ano nga ba ito at ang lugar nito sa isang mananampalataya? Ang medalyon na ito ay hindi dapat ipangaral bilang isang agimat o anting-anting ayon na din sa turo ng Inang Simbahan, bagkus dapat itong tingnan bilang isang tagapagpaalala na kahit saan man tayo naroroon ay taglay natin ang patnubay at proteksyon ng Diyos.
Mayroon akong nakikita dito sa amin, na taglay ang banal na medalyon, ngunit ito ay ginagamit upang makapang-akit ng mga babae. Minsan ay ginagamit din upang subukan ang lakas ng ibang mga GAMIT. Sa madaling salita, masyadong inaabuso ang gamit ng banal na medalyong ito.
Mayroon akong mga kasamahan dati na involved sa Deliverance o pagpapalayas ng masasamang espirito na ginagamit ang mga panalangin sa medalyon na ultimo mga kasamahan namin na mayroong gamit ng San Benito, lalo na yaon daw mga bili sa mga bangketa sa Quiapo ay pinararatangan na isang mag-aanting o di kaya'y New Ager. Ang ginagawa ng mga ito ay magpe-perform ng ritual exorcismo at bubugahan sa pamamagitan ng pag-ihip o bulong ng dasal na "Vade Retro" itong mga kawawang pinaghihinalaan na mga kasama din sa ministriya na gumagamit ng "kaliwang" kapangyarihan dahilan nga daw yaon ginagamit nilang medalya ng Santo ay hindi prescribed ng simbahan. Hindi sukatan kung saan nakuha o nabili ng isang tao ang medalyon ni San Benito kung ito ay gagana ba para sa kabutihan at espiritwal na pamumuhay ng isang nagtataglay. Hangga't ito ay nagdaan sa proper exorcsim blessing na ginagawad ng mga kwalipikadong Benedictinong Pare o Monghe o dili kaya'y mga pari na mayroong faculty of exorcism ito ay maipalalagay na rin na nagtataglay ng lahat ng proteksyon at indulhensya na nakakabit sa medalyong ito.
Minsan din dapat tayo ay maghunos dili lalu na sa larangan ng pakikidigmang espiritwal. Minsan iyong mga taong hinihinala nating kampon ng kadiliman ay siya palang kakampi at katuwang natin sa larangan ng Combate Espiritual.
Saan man ikaw ay dumako, marami ang makikita mo na mayroon sabit na medalya ni San Benito. Karamihan, pinaniniwalaan na isang agimat o anting-anting. Pero ano nga ba ito at ang lugar nito sa isang mananampalataya? Ang medalyon na ito ay hindi dapat ipangaral bilang isang agimat o anting-anting ayon na din sa turo ng Inang Simbahan, bagkus dapat itong tingnan bilang isang tagapagpaalala na kahit saan man tayo naroroon ay taglay natin ang patnubay at proteksyon ng Diyos.
Mayroon akong nakikita dito sa amin, na taglay ang banal na medalyon, ngunit ito ay ginagamit upang makapang-akit ng mga babae. Minsan ay ginagamit din upang subukan ang lakas ng ibang mga GAMIT. Sa madaling salita, masyadong inaabuso ang gamit ng banal na medalyong ito.
Mayroon akong mga kasamahan dati na involved sa Deliverance o pagpapalayas ng masasamang espirito na ginagamit ang mga panalangin sa medalyon na ultimo mga kasamahan namin na mayroong gamit ng San Benito, lalo na yaon daw mga bili sa mga bangketa sa Quiapo ay pinararatangan na isang mag-aanting o di kaya'y New Ager. Ang ginagawa ng mga ito ay magpe-perform ng ritual exorcismo at bubugahan sa pamamagitan ng pag-ihip o bulong ng dasal na "Vade Retro" itong mga kawawang pinaghihinalaan na mga kasama din sa ministriya na gumagamit ng "kaliwang" kapangyarihan dahilan nga daw yaon ginagamit nilang medalya ng Santo ay hindi prescribed ng simbahan. Hindi sukatan kung saan nakuha o nabili ng isang tao ang medalyon ni San Benito kung ito ay gagana ba para sa kabutihan at espiritwal na pamumuhay ng isang nagtataglay. Hangga't ito ay nagdaan sa proper exorcsim blessing na ginagawad ng mga kwalipikadong Benedictinong Pare o Monghe o dili kaya'y mga pari na mayroong faculty of exorcism ito ay maipalalagay na rin na nagtataglay ng lahat ng proteksyon at indulhensya na nakakabit sa medalyong ito.
Minsan din dapat tayo ay maghunos dili lalu na sa larangan ng pakikidigmang espiritwal. Minsan iyong mga taong hinihinala nating kampon ng kadiliman ay siya palang kakampi at katuwang natin sa larangan ng Combate Espiritual.
Anima Sancta Animasola
Anima Sancta Lumayus
Anima Sancta Brosabat
Anima Sancta Brosabator
Anima Sancta Lumayus
Anima Sancta Brosabat
Anima Sancta Brosabator
All: O JESUS! meek and humble of heart, hear me.
Response: Please deliver me, Jesus *
Leader : From the desire of being esteemed. *
From the desire of being loved *
From the desire of being extolled *
From the desire of being honored *
From the desire of being praised *
From the desire of being preferred *
From the desire of being consulted *
From the desire of being approved *
From the fear of being humiliated *
From the fear of being despised *
From the fear of being rebuked *
From the fear of being calumniated *
From the fear of being forgotten *
From the fear of being ridiculed *
From the fear of being wronged *
From the fear of being suspected *
RESPONSORIAL: JESUS, please grant me the grace to desire it *
Leader: That, others may be loved more than I *
That, others may be esteemed more than I *
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I
may decrease *
That, others may be chosen, and I set aside *
That, others may be praised and I unnoticed *
That, others may be preferred to me, in everything *
That, others may become holier then I, provided that, I may
become as holy as i should.
AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM! All for the greater glory of God!
All: O JESUS! meek and humble of heart, hear me.
Response: Please deliver me, Jesus *
Leader : From the desire of being esteemed. *
From the desire of being loved *
From the desire of being extolled *
From the desire of being honored *
From the desire of being praised *
From the desire of being preferred *
From the desire of being consulted *
From the desire of being approved *
From the fear of being humiliated *
From the fear of being despised *
From the fear of being rebuked *
From the fear of being calumniated *
From the fear of being forgotten *
From the fear of being ridiculed *
From the fear of being wronged *
From the fear of being suspected *
RESPONSORIAL: JESUS, please grant me the grace to desire it *
Leader: That, others may be loved more than I *
That, others may be esteemed more than I *
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I
may decrease *
That, others may be chosen, and I set aside *
That, others may be praised and I unnoticed *
That, others may be preferred to me, in everything *
That, others may become holier then I, provided that, I may
become as holy as i should.
AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM! All for the greater glory of God!
I have been meditating for a while, when the Lord led me to this message, which i would want to share to you. This is taken from the Little Blue Book entitled : "TO THE PRIESTS, OUR LADY'S BELOVED SONS".
"I have chosen you precisely because of your littleness, your poverty. Jesus looks with pleasure and with predilection on the small, the pure of heart, the simple.
Be ever thus!
And so never look at yourself, because I will make you the gift of leaving you with your faults.
My Son, Jesus does not love you for what you can do, but for yourself. He loves you just as you are. It is not your merits but only his love which draws Him strongly to you.
I also, your MOTHER, love you just as you are: even with your defects, as long as you are striving to correct them. And if they give you a true measure of your littleness, even they will help me to make you more my own". (BLUE BOOK MSG.80 (a) to (e),)
"I have chosen you precisely because of your littleness, your poverty. Jesus looks with pleasure and with predilection on the small, the pure of heart, the simple.
Be ever thus!
And so never look at yourself, because I will make you the gift of leaving you with your faults.
My Son, Jesus does not love you for what you can do, but for yourself. He loves you just as you are. It is not your merits but only his love which draws Him strongly to you.
I also, your MOTHER, love you just as you are: even with your defects, as long as you are striving to correct them. And if they give you a true measure of your littleness, even they will help me to make you more my own". (BLUE BOOK MSG.80 (a) to (e),)
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