Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SACRAMENTALS - How does it differ from those we call as amulets/charms?

Good evening to all of you dear fellow bloggers! Tonight, i just would like to post some of my thoughts on Sacramentals and Amulets. Sacramentals are those things which the Holy Mother Church blesses for the intention of arousing in ourselves lively sentiments of faith. In the past, wearers of these sacramentals whether in the form of medals, rosaries, or holy water itself deem it to be some kind of heavenly protection on one's person. On the otherhand, Amulets and charms are of pagan origin designed and kept by person believing that these would protect him/her from harm. Glancing from these statements, there is one common word worth discussing or delving for - Protection. Yes, both are used for protection, although, in the case of sacramentals, it is more directed in arousing our faith in God. Unlike, in the use of amulets or charms, the mind is focused on the thing itself, although it uses formulas derived from prayers, but the intention is on the amulet or charm. An amulet wearer would say i do have faith in the one i call upon, because He protects me - if this is so, then why most of them feel restless, whenever they forget to bring along with them their "things". If the same truly arouses faith just like in sacramentals, then why fear if the said amulet whatever you call it is not with you or not on your bodies. This is not the kind of faith in which the Lord Jesus Christ taught us. If one has faith, he or she does not need any outward things to help him/her. It is enough that deep within our hearts we believe in the powerful words of our Saviour, that He will defend and protect us wherever we are, whatever we are in.

I for one do have these "things" (see previous posts) but i never considered them as lucky charms or objects of protection, rather, whenever, i have them with me, though i don't mumble many prayers, i do believe that God's protection is with me, for i am HIS child. The same feeling also occurs even though i don't have them with me. We must remember - it is not the thing itself that brings protection, rather it is the one whom we remember whenever we see those "things".

Good evening and God bless all of us!

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