Thursday, December 10, 2009


A blessed day to all my blogger friends! Just as i have promised, here are some prayers which i hope could help you out in your spiritual warfare with the devil himself.

Reminders: (1) All prayers must be prayed especially when one believes an evil spirit is harrasing him/her, tempting one gravely, making one feel sick, etc; (2) Holy water, scapulars, St. Benedict's medals, a rosary, exorcised salt should be ready at hand; (3) all prayers must be prayed intently and not just merely murmuring words; (4) do not be afraid; know whom you belong to, and (5) before prayers, place yourselves in the presence of God and sense his nearness to you.

Step No. 1. Prayer for Protection.

Jesus Christ crucified, cover me, my family, relatives and friends (mention each of their names) and all our possessions with your most precious blood. Lord Jesus, we ask you to protect each and everyone of us here present at this session from sickness, harm and accidents that may occur. If any of us has been subjected to any curses, hexes, or spells, I/We declare these curses, hexes, or spells null and void in the name of JESUS CHRIST. If any evil spirits have been sent against us, I/We decommission you evil spirits in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and I/We send you at the foot of the cross to be dealt with by our Lord Jesus Himself. Then, Lord, I ask you to send your holy angels to guard and protect all of us.

(a) Prayer to the Virgin Mother of God.

Help us, Mary, show your power. Aid us in this very hour. You can quickly bring relief in necessity and grief. For your aid shall never fail. Though all else may be naught avail, You cannot despise the plea which your children make to you. Hel p us Mary, show your power. Aid us in this very hour. AMEN.

Step No. 2. Prayer for Armor.

I put on God's armor to resist the devils tactics. I stand my ground with truth buckled around my waist and integrity for a breast plate. I carry the shield of faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one. I accept salvation from God to be my helmet and receive the Word of God from the Spirit to use as a sword.

Step No. 3. Prayer for Deliverance.

(Note: As carefully reminded by all exorcists and some of my Spiritual Warrior friends, these prayers should be recited and prayed slowly, clearly and with confidence. Avoid, raising your voice in anger, the devil likes you when you do this as you become little like him. Rather, your voice should be mild but commanding, the devil rejects this action because humility is never a word for him. while saying these prayers, sprinkle holy water and if holding a cross, showing the same to the possessed.)

IN THE NAME OF JESUS OF NAZARETH + through His tremendous power as God and through HIs most powerful and salvific Name, I rebuke, repudiate, bind and cast out all spirits not of the Holy Spirit. I command you, in the Name of Jesus + to depart right now from (state name of person, or place) and go immediately and directly to the foot of the Cross and never more to return. (these should be repeated as many times as possible or until, one from your group has discerned that the evil spirit has already left the person or place).

(then follow through with the prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for his assistance and his in-filling)

O Most Holy Spirit enter into the empty spaces left by these evil spirits and fill (mention name or place) with your Holy presence, love and protection. Please do not allow these evil spirits to return.

(if afterwards, there seems to be some form of retaliation from the evil spirit, like sickness, pain and depression use the prayer of deliverance but instead of saying "all spirits not of the Holy Spirit" say instead "spirits of retaliation and all accompanying spirits". *It may be well to include also the prayer of St. Benedict and prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel* then follow through with the prayer for cleansing and thanksgiving).

(b) Prayer to the Holy Angels

Holy Angels of God, we pray that you remain and stand around our brother/sister/place and never let any of the evil spirits go near him/her or place. Let the fire of your swords cover our brother/sister/place and consume those who wish them/it harm. Let its light cover the entire surroundings so that no evil may dare come back this way and threaten the peace of the persons/place. We asked this in the Most Holy Name of Jesus, Our LORD. AMEN.

Step NO. 4. Prayer for Cleansing.

Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, by the in-filling power of the God the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the Most Precious Blood of your Son descend upon us now who are all here present. Purify us and wash us clean with the Blood of Jesus from the top of our head down to the very soles of our feet. Let it penetrate the very marrow of our bones to cleanse us from any entanglement from whatever spirit not of the Holy Spirit whom we have come in contact with during the course of this intercessory prayer. Anoint us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and refresh our body, mind and soul and may the sign of victory, which is the Holy Cross + drive away all sevil spirits from us. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER + SON+ and HOLY SPIRIT+. AMEN.

Step No. 5. Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving.

(note: any prayer susceptible of praise and thanksgiving can be said).

Note: all prayers contained in this manual were taken from Fr. Jocis Syquia's book
Exorcism, Encounters with the Paranormal and Occult. May this prayers simple as it is help us all in our heavy encounter with the Father of Lies (satan).

Mary, seat of Wisdom pray for us.

St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us.

St. Michael and all the Archangels, intercede for us.


  1. thanks for the new it possible to have also the corresponding names for the prayers???....just wondering

  2. ...names or titles for prayers doesn't really matter at all, one is free to give it a name or best possible leave it as it is. After all bro, the Lord is not interested whether we give it a certain name or title, the important thing is that we had a conversation with HIM. God bless.
