Friday, November 6, 2009



-Today, my Immaculate Heart trembles and is anguished to see the division within the Church. This division, which has penetrated the Church, is the third sign which indicates to you with certainty that the final moment of her painful purification has come.

- If in the course of the centuries , the Church has many times been torn by division which has led many of my children to separate themselves to her. I nevertheless, obtained from Jesus the singular privilege of her interior unity.

- But in this times, my adversary has with his smoke, succeeded in darkening even the light of the divine prerogative of the Church (remember the late Pope Paul Vl, when he said: The Smoke of Satan has penetrated the Church).

- The interior division is manifesting itrslef even among the faithful who often set themselves one against the other, in an attempt to defend and promote the truth. Thus, the truth is betrayed by even them, as the Gospel of my Son cannot be divided.

- This interior division sometimes even leads priests to set themselves against priests, bishops against bishops and cardinals against cardinals, for never before in these times has Satan so succeeded in finding his way into their midst, rending asunder the precious bond of their mutual love.

- This interior division is expressed by the tendency to leave to himself and to abandon , so to speak , the very Vicar of Jesus, the Pope, who is a son particularly loved and enlightened by me.

- My mother's heart is wounded to see how the silence and neglect of my children often envelop the words and actions of the Holy Father, while he is increasingly struck and impeded by his adversaries.

- Because of this interior division, his very ministry is not sufficiently supported
and furthered by the whole Church whom Jesus has wanted to be united about the successor of Peter .

- My motherly heart grieves to see how even some pastors refuse to let themselves be guided by his enlightening and trustworthy words.

- The first way of being separated from the Pope is that of OPEN REBELLION. But, there is also another way, MORE SUBTLE & DANGEROUS. IT IS THAT OF PROCLAIMING ONE'S UNITY OPENLY, BUT OF DISSENTING FROM HIM INTERIORLY, letting his teaching fall into void and in practice, doing the contrary of what he says.

- Oh Church, mystical body of my Jesus, in your painful journey to
Calvary, you have reached the eleventh station and you see yourself wrenched and torn in your members, which are again nailed to the cross!

-What must you do, my sons, apostles of my Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart? You must become hidden seed, ready even to die for the internal unity of the Church.

- And so, I am leading you each day to a very great love for and fidelity to, the Pope and the Church united to him. For this reason, I am now letting you share in the anxiety of my motherly heart: For this reason, I am forming you in the heroism of sanctity and leading you with me up Calvary. Through you, also, I will be able to help the Church emerge from her painful purification , so that in her all splendor of her restored unity may be manifest to the world."

St. Michael the archangel,
defend us in the day of battle,
be our safeguard, against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
We humbly beseech God, to command him,
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host
by the Power of God cast into hell satan
and all the evil spirits
who prowl in this world, seeking the ruin
of souls. AMEN.

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