Sunday, November 1, 2009

Continuation of Our Lady's Messages


Today my Heart is wounded anew by seeing so many of my beloved sons who live without docility to the will of God, because they do not observe and often openly disdain the laws proper to their priestly state. Thus, lack of dicipline is spreading in the Church and reaping victims, even from among her very pastors.

This is the second sign which indicates to you that, for the Church the final time of purification has come: a lack of discipline which has spread throughout all levels, especially among the clergy.

It is lack of discipline to be wanting in interior docility to the will of God, a lack of discipline which is manifested by the flouting of those obligations which are proper to your state of life: the obligation to pray, to give good example, to lead a holy and apostolic life. How many there are, among the priests, who allow themselves to become absorbed in excessive activity and who no longer pray! They habitually neglect the Liturgy of the Hours, meditation and recitation of the Holy Rosary. They limit their prayer to a hrried celebration of the Holy Mass.

And so my poor sons become interiorly empty and no longer have the light and strength to resist the many snares amidst which they live. They thus become contaminated by the spirit of the world and accept its way of life, share its values, take part in the profane manifestations, allow themselves to be conditioned by its methods of propaganda and, in the end come to adopt its very mentality. And so, they end up by living as minsiters of the world, according to its spirit which they justify and propagate, thus, provoking scandal amongst many of the faithful.

From this springs the growing REBELLION AGAINST CANONICAL NORMS which REGULATE THE LIFE OF PRIESTS, and the recurring objection to the obligation of SACRED CELIBACY, desired by Jesus as expressed by His Church, and which has at this time been once again strongly reaffirmed by the Pope.

It is lack of discipline to disregard with ease the norms which the Church has laid down for the regulation of liturgical and ecclessisatical life.

Today, each one tends to direct himself according to his own tastes or free choice, and with what scandalous facility are violated the norms of the Church, which have been reaffirmed again and again by the Holy Father, such as the obligation for priests to wear the ecclessiastical dress!

Alas!sometimes the first to continue disobeying this prescription are the pastors themselves, and it is their bad example which then fosters lack of discipine in all sectors of the Church.

This disorder, which is spreading in the Church, indicates to you with clarity that the final moment of her purification has come.

What must you do, beloved sons of your heavenly Mother, apostles of light of my Immaculate Heart?

Let yourselves be carried in my arms, as my tiniest babes, and I will make you perfectly docile to the will of the Father.

Thus, to everyone, you will give a good example of perfect obedience to the laws of the Church, and your heavenly Mother will be able to use you to restore order in her house, so that after the suffering, the triumph of her Immaculate Heart may shine forth in the Church."

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